Upward Bound | Educational Resources


The list below provides a number of resources that provide information about college admissions or financial aid. Please click on the link to get to that page.

Financial Aid Information

Cal Grants - information about the Cal Grant program in California including links to other sites.

FAFSA - provides the online application on the web.

FinAid! - The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid.

Financial Aid (ED.gov) - The U.S. Department of Education (ED) will provide over $100 billion annually, about 60 percent of all student aid, to help millions of students and families pay for postsecondary education.

Student Aid Alliance - The Student Aid Alliance supports a package of proven student aid programs to help students achieve their higher education goals without excessive debt.

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) - NASFAA is the largest postsecondary education association with institutional membership in Washington, D.C., and the only national association with a primary focus on student aid legislation, regulatory analysis, and training for financial aid administrators in all sectors of post-secondary education.

California Dream Act - Information about the California Dream Act and is the portal for the California Dream Act Application for financial aid.

icanaffordcollege.com - Information on California Community Colleges and other kinds of financial aid.

CA Student Aid Commission - Vast amount of information on Cal Grants and other programs available through the California Student Aid Commission.

ECMC - General information about financing for college and managing a student loan.

SCHOLARSHARE - Valuable information about college savings opportunities.

going2college - Learn about college and financial aid resources available in each state.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Scholarship directory for latino students.

Health Jobs Start Here - Healthcare employment opportunities that could be a right fit for you.

College Board - connects students to college success and opportunities. It prepares students for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success.

Natl Assn of Student Financial Aid - it is the most comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools.


College Admission Information

California Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Chancellors Office - Office of the Chancellor provides general information about the community college system in California.

Course Articulation- provides information about the transfer requirements from a community college to CSU or UC.

Los Angeles Community College District - provides information specific to the Los Angeles community colleges.

California State University

The California State University - from the office of the Chancellor.

Early Assessment Program - provides information about the different opportunities offered through early assessment at the CSU.

The University of California

UC Application Online - Apply for the University of California online.

UC Office of the President- provides general information for students and counselors. Very resourceful site.

College Searches

U.S. News - provides extensive information about various types of colleges and universities.

Princeton Review - make available test-preparation services, tutoring and admissions resources, as well as various other resources in different formats.

School in the USA - helps in exploring selected university and college programs across the United States from one source.

Links to US colleges by state - Links to colleges, universities, and systems by state


Educational and Student Links

ACT Test Dates

SAT Test Dates

Fast Web- Financial Aid Site - Assisting students locate various forms of financial assistance through online searches.

Know How 2 Go - Interactive website that prepares students, at different grade levels, plan for college.

First In The Family - Resources available resources for first generation college applicants.

Educational Opportunity Program - Cal State LA's program is gear at assisting and supporting disadvantage students succeed within a university educational level.

High School Students

Summer Programs

Phillips Academy- Supports a number of programs that provide educational opportunities to students beyond those who attend the Academy during the regular school year.

MITES Program - a rigorous six-week residential, academic enrichment summer program for talented high school students who are interested in studying and exploring careers in science and engineering.

Harvard Summer School - Challenge yourself in Harvard classes and programs this summer. Earn credit toward a degree, satisfy intellectual curiosity, or gain new professional skills.

College Students

McNair Scholars Program - It is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.

Student Support Services Program - Student Support Services (SSS) projects may provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants (# 84.063).

EOP - Designed to improve access and retention of historically low-income and educationally disadvantaged students.

Puente Program - Its mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. The program is interdisciplinary in approach, with writing, counseling and mentoring components.