A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Calendar, curriculum Faculty evaluation Retention, Promotion TenureCalifornia Postsecondary Education CommissionCalifornia State University Academic Senate Governance History OrganizationCalifornia State University Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination Policy Statement Systemwide GuidelinesCalifornia State University, Los Angeles Foundation Governance History MissionCampus facilities, policy for use of Scheduling use ofCampus Physical Planning Committee (Administrative) SubcommitteesCareer Development Program, facultyCatalog, GeneralCatalog rules, knowledge ofCenter for Career Planning and PlacementCenters, special studyCertificate programs, Academic Criteria Procedural guidelinesChairs of standing committees, job descriptionChancellorChancellor, communication Staff, communication withChancellor's Executive CouncilChancellor's Office, legal staff Communications withChange of Status reportingCheating Disciplinary action, deadline Plagiarism Request for formal disciplinary action, deadlineClass Time and Makeup Policy, MissedClasses, absences from first meeting Breaks, required Enrollment in, through Extended Education Exclusion from Visiting speakers Waiting list policyClassroom, evaluation of performance Lectures and Activities, electronic recording ofClassroomsCode of Ethics for Student AthletesCollege and Library Deans, Associate and Assistant College of Arts and LettersCollege of Business and EconomicsCollege of Education, CharterCollege of Engineering, Computer Science, and TechnologyCollege of Health and Human ServicesCollege of Natural and Social SciencesColleges, Formation, Dissolution, or Merger ofCollections of Native American Burial Remains and Associated Grave Artifacts, Policy regardingCommencement, attendance atCommittee meetings, schedules Access toCommittee policies and proceduresCommittee structure, Academic SenateCommittees Administrative, terms of office for faculty appointees Academic Freedom and Professional Ethics Academic Information Resources Academic Senate, reporting to Advisory Committee to the Trustees' Committee for the Selection of the President Awards and Leaves Campus Physical Planning (Administrative) Chairs of standing committees, job description Confidentiality of deliberations Educational Policy Election and appointment to Election of officers to Executive Committee, Academic Senate, map Executive Committee, Academic Senate, constitution Executive Committee, Academic Senate External Awards Nominating Committee Faculty Policy Fiscal Policy Honors Convocation and Commencement Institutional Animal Care and Use Institutional Review Board - Human Subjects Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Board Liaison member from Executive Committee to a standing committee responsibilities of Liaison member, responsibilities Meeting schedules Nominations Committee Organizational chart Outstanding Professor Awards Selection President, reporting to President's Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees Promotion Proxies Radiation Safety and Biohazards (Administrative) Record of attendance Resource Allocation Advisory (Administrative) Responsibility Retention Retention, Tenure, Promotion Criteria Oral Testimony Policies Procedures Risk Management and Safety (Administrative) Service on Strategic Planning Coordination Committee Student Educational Equity Advisory Committee to the Vice President for Student Affairs Student Policy Student Grievance (Administrative) Student members, requirements and procedures Tenure Terms of office for faculty appointees to administrative committees University Sabbatical Leave VacanciesCommunication, Chancellor Chancellor's Staff Lines of Presidents President's staff University, affiliated groups University, personnel and groups RelationshipCommunicationsCommunications, general informationCommunications, policy statement Board of TrusteesCommunications BoardCommunications Board, functionCommunications CodeCommunications Code, general infoCommunications policy statementComprehensive examinationsComputer and network policyConfidential filesConflict of interestConflict of Interest in Faculty Assigned MaterialsConsensual Sexual Relations, policy onConstitution, Academic Senate, CSU Faculty, CSULAConsultation, faculty PresidentContinuing students Definition Status ofContributions to the University, category CCounselor faculty, permanentCounselor faculty, temporaryCourse materials, timeline for orderingCourses, College of Professional and Global Education, course, certificate, and degree credit Career development credit For credit Not for creditCourses, deletion from the curriculumCourses, field experience, S-factorCourses, repeating and grade replacement grades averagedCourses, technologically mediated Creative Activity Grant AwardsCredit and noncredit programs Guidelines for approval Enrollment in regular classes throughCredit and no credit grading, undergraduate studentsCredit UnionCredit for examinations for knowledge or skills acquired through experience Graduate courses Transfer work Undergraduate studentsCredit and no credit gradingCredit/No-credit, and A, B, C/NC policy, all students Policy, graduates Policy, undergraduatesCriteria for Proposing Courses with Hybrid and Online-Only ComponentsCubicles, LibraryCurricular policiesCurriculum calendarCurriculum SubcommitteeAcademic Senate Faculty Handbook Appendices Index Search