Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency (LAUTR-CC) The Community Collaborative

Research tells us that good teaching, along with effective leadership, is the strongest correlate to high student achievement. Based on the medical model of residencies in preparing doctors, the Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency program recruits highly talented people from diverse backgrounds who are committed to becoming transformative teachers and places them in a program in which they earn a credential in three semesters. Working closely with a Mentor teacher, Residents learn on the job what it means to be a teacher. Blending the theories of teaching with practical applications, Residents learn the essential skills, habits, and knowledge that will best position them to be excellent teachers in high-need urban schools.

Residents are clustered in high-need, reform-minded schools based on the belief that participating in cohorts strengthens the support and learning that Residents receive. Residents will also participate in professional learning communities and school-wide reform initiatives within each school, understanding that becoming an effective teacher also requires a commitment to creating a high-performing school.

Program Overview

  • Residents and Mentors co-teach four days per week for an entire school year in our partnering district schools, with Residents taking gradual control of instruction and classroom management.
    For more information about the co-teaching model, visit:  http://www.stcloudstate.edu/soe/coteaching/
  • Residents enroll in university courses throughout the year. LAUTR staff members provide instructional coaching and support to connect coursework and classroom experience.
  • Residents can receive up to $65,000 during their residency year (Federal Teach Grant-$4k, Commission on Teacher Credentialing grant-$40K, Golden State Teach grant-$20K, and Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Program-$4k)
  • LAUTR offers a unique synthesis of theory, research, and practical hands-on experience, combining a full academic year classroom apprenticeship with a carefully aligned sequence of credential coursework.
  • Residents earn a Master of Arts (M.A.) for Social Change with an Option in Critical Bilingualism and Biliteracy or STEM Leadership and Community Engagement and a preliminary credential in one of these pathways: a) Education Specialist Credential Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe, or Visual Impairments, OR b) Single-Subject Credential in Math or Science, OR c) Multiple Subject Bilingual in Spanish or Mandarin. 
  • Residents learn as part of a cohort: a peer group that provides ongoing support and collaborative learning throughout the Residency year and beyond.
  • Community partners support the social justice perspective by assisting in teaching courses and leading community-based experiences focused on advocacy, equity and family support.
  • Residents spend the full academic year in an urban public school, developing under the guidance of an experienced Mentor teacher. Over the course of the year, Residents gradually assume teaching responsibility with support of their Mentor teachers.
  • In addition to hands-on work in the classroom, Residents engage in coursework aligned with the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and Teaching Performance Expectations.

Resident Dispositions

Effective Residents should enter our programs with certain dispositions and continue to develop and demonstrate those dispositions through the experiences provided in our professional programs. Learning activities and assessments in both coursework and fieldwork provide opportunities for Residents to engage in behaviors that demonstrate these dispositions. Residents are assessed on these dispositions at entry, advancement and exit points of the programs. When Residents exhibit behaviors counter to these dispositions, opportunities for advising and remediation are provided.

Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency Program (LAUTR)

Academic Pathway

All LAUTR Residents are enrolled in a Credential Program (three options are available, and details are provided below) and for additional units, a Master of Arts in Special Education.

Residents have three options for their California Teaching Credential. They can choose to pursue one of the following Credentials a) Education Specialist Credential in Mild to Moderate Support Needs, Extensive Support Needs, or Visual Impairments, OR b) Single-Subject Credential in Math or Science, OR c) Multiple Subject Bilingual Education in Spanish. The links below will redirect you to the Cal State LA College of Education site for the credential of interest to you. LAUTR has program advisors available to address questions.

  1. Education Specialist Credential Mild to Moderate Support Needs, Extensive Support Needs, or Visual Impairments
  2. Single-Subject Credential in Math or Science
  3. Multiple Subject Bilingual Education in Spanish

Being a Resident

The LAUTR-CC residency and curriculum experiences align to support the development of effective teaching skills and knowledge grounded in current educational research and district initiatives. Residents’ sustained efforts and success in both the practicum and coursework components of the program are key to their success as Resident Teachers.

An LAUTR Resident:

  • Is able to articulate a philosophy of education grounded in equity and social justice
  • Has a strong content background
  • Shows evidence of working collaboratively
  • Expresses an interest in serving the community
  • Has a grasp of data-based inquiry
  • Has an assets-based orientation to family and community
  • Possesses effective communication skills
  • Will commit to four years of teaching in your assigned district.

Resident Responsibilities and Guidelines

As an important part of the Standards for the Teaching Profession, Residents are required to:

  1. Maintain accurate records
    1. Track progress towards identified learning outcomes
    2. Complete assignments
    3. Submit records/assignments on time
  2. Communicate with Mentors and LAUTR-CC staff any concerns that may impact progress in the program
  3. Demonstrate Professionalism
    1. Ethical Conduct and Compliance with School, District, and University Regulations
    2. Advocacy/Intervention for Students
    3. Decision-Making

If at any time the Resident fails to meet these professional responsibilities, a LAUTR-CC staff member will communicate the concern with the Resident.  If the issue persists, it will be grounds for a disciplinary plan of action and may result in dismissal from the program.

Residents are expected to be professional at all times, whether in schools or in Cal State LA courses. LAUTR-CC Residents represent themselves as new educators in the district and as members of the LAUTR-CC program. While professionalism is important at all times, it is especially important when interacting with students. Students watch and learn from adults’ behavior all the time, whether intended or not. Residents should observe a variety of school personnel to learn appropriate school culture (such as using first/last names and attire). 

Please note: Although building relationships with students is important, it is crucial that new teachers understand and establish clear boundaries between being a friend and being a teacher to students. Residents should continuously remember that their primary role in the school is that of a teacher and not a friend. Residents should review the District’s Code of Conduct and abide by all guidelines provided by the District.

While there is no specific dress code, Residents are expected to dress professionally at all times while at Host District schools.  Specifically, midriff tops, low cut blouses, low-rise pants, shorts, t-shirts and worn-out jeans would be deemed unprofessional. In addition, Residents should make sure that undergarments are not visible when sitting or bending. Since we consider the residency to be a year-long interview, a good guideline to abide by is to wear clothes that would be appropriate for a job interview.
If at any time the Resident’s dress is perceived as too casual or inappropriate, the Mentor, Residency Director or any other LAUTR-CC staff member will communicate the concern with the Resident. If the issue persists, it can be grounds for a disciplinary plan of action.

Residents are to speak to administrators, colleagues, staff, families and students in a professional manner devoid of profanity, sexually explicit, disparaging or demeaning remarks, and violent or intimidating behavior. In addition, Residents must model appropriate professional behavior in the school/classroom/course settings (e.g. not checking email, sleeping, eating or talking on the phone during class time, including periods in which the Resident assists).

LAUTR-CC Program Handbooks

The 2024-2025 Abbreviated Handbook can be accessed by clicking the icon below this message.  As noted within the handbook, this is a partial publication as there are a few areas still under development at this time.  A complete edition of the handbook will be available prior to the start of the Fall 2024 semester.

LAUTR-CC Partners

The Los Angeles Urban Teacher Residency – The Community Collaborative is a collaborative partnership of the.....


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Our Community Partners:

All our partners share a social justice mission and envision preparing teachers who are responsible for equity, excellence, and innovation in their classroom as well as for their entire school culture.